Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 Episode 10 – The Patriot Review

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 Episode 10

“You know that saying. If a jet crashes in the woods and there’s no one around to hear it, you stay close to the guy with super strength.” – Coulson

I know I’m always behind on Agents of SHIELD reviews for some odd reason, but in my defense life’s a bitch…and I kind of forgot also. But no worries, as I did watch episode 9, here is the recap for last week’s episode. As always, there will be some spoilers ahead.

Aida goes batshit crazy and decides to go against SHIELD to get the Darkhold book, doing it Terminator-style. Here, Aida is Skynet and takes control of certain techs. In the end we find out the Agent May is another LMD (Life Model Decoy) similar to Aida, but without the knowledge that she is an LMD. So it looks like the Ghost Rider storyline is over, since there is no more mention of Robbie Reyes. The mid-season continuation is now called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – LMD.

Now to this episode. We start off with a nice, wonderful speech mixed with an assassination attempt to Director Mace. With the assassination attempt, there are steps to protect the Director. But why, if he is an Inhuman with super-human strength, right? Hmmm…. He may not be bulletproof. So that really sucks. But now is the time to survive since the failed assassination was just phase one. On to phase two!

On a side note: I don’t trust Aida. As Yo-Yo and Mack said last episode, hasn’t anyone learned anything from 80s robot movies and the incidence with Ultron? While keeping the real Agent May sedated while the LMD gets the Darkhold, Aida does have some darkness within her, or written within her programming that Radcliffe or the Darkhold itself has compromised. Something bad is going to happen. Will it be another version of Ultron within the show, except this version of Ultron has a skirt and looks rather hot?

This episode does provide more of a backstory for Director Mace and how he got his powers. Secrets are revealed on the field and back in headquarters to certain people. While Daisy and May are out locating Coulson, Mack and Mace; we also learn who the Watch Dogs originally were – or who some of them were before forming the anti-Inhuman group. The pacing started out slow but did pick up on both the field portion and on the headquarters portion of the show. Even though it was a small part for Simmons within this episode, the interrogation scene and the method she used to extract information does show that Simmons can go to a dark area. That makes her sexy in a psychotic way. I did enjoy this episode, but thought that last week’s episode was better in the action portion.

The first half of the season was building into a great story, but it seems to have ended. So we have to transition into the LMD storyline. I don’t like this method, because I feel that they could have used more of Ghost Rider within this season and not make the LMD’s their focus.

Residential DC guy and horror movie junkie who loves to drink and game. Not much to say as I am the way I am. Will provide my opinion either on an article or when streaming with the DCN crew. I do read and follow Marvel but I follow DC more. Will do articles on the tv shows, movies and games for both Marvel and DC. Might even do some comics of the week also, but we shall see what happens. Welcome to Digital Crack Network, now cue the music!

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