metal gear solid v

Dell Lists Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Edition on Website – I Think

Last month, Amazon listed then delisted Metal Gear Solid Definitive EX on its storefront. Dell currently has a similar listing on its online store for Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Edition, but the entry is suspect – even funny. The entry shows as being for the PlayStation 4 and has an availability date of October 11th, 2016. You might miss it if you’re searching for it, however, because the listi...[Read More]

Amazon Lists Then Removes Listing for Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Ex

Online retailer Amazon temporarily listed Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Ex on its Amazon UK and Amazon Japan sites. A post on the PlayStation 4 Reddit showed the link for the UK site, which has since been removed. The listing gave a release date of December 31st and had mostly placeholder information. Speculation has run rampant about what the game actually is. Many figure that a “Definitive” vers...[Read More]

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