never played

Miami Geeks Audio Podcast Episode 3

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Miami Geeks Audio Podcast!! On this Episode, we talk about Cross-Platform Gaming Becoming a Realit, BioWare that caused Anthem to underperform, Epic Store announcement, Google Stadia, and much much more!!

Never Played: Mafia III

Vietnam Meets Louisiana There are two things I thoroughly enjoy: open-world games and (almost) free games. The former is a tired genre nowadays, but my fractured brain grooves to the repetitive tasks and completionist-level collect-a-thons present in the games. The latter, I think, is self-evident. When Sony included Mafia III in its PlayStation Plus slate for this month, both boxes were checked o...[Read More]

Never Played: Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

A fun game wrapped around a bitter shell I haven’t revisited this series in a while. Why not jump in with a recent game I’ve wanted to play but refused to buy yet. My Digital Crack podcast-mate Punisher pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite and picked it up with glee. In addition to getting to play the latest entry in Capcom’s Versus series, he was excited...[Read More]

Never Played: Cities Skylines

The Very Definition of Digital Crack I purposely avoid games like Cities Skylines. It’s not because I dislike them; I LOVE city planner games. It’s just that family gets really worried when they can’t get a hold of me. Sim games make me lose long tracts of time. As proof, I am writing this sentence at 4:19 AM on a Monday. I spent my Sunday building my city. ALL of Sunday. Yes, I had to use the bat...[Read More]

Never Played: Aliens: Colonial Marines

I think it’s obvious why I avoided Aliens: Colonial Marines. It’s not an excuse, though. As readers who read my Never Played review of Assassin’s Creed: Unity may remember, I prefer to base my proclamation on a game being shit on actual experience, not just word of mouth. But the literary venom spewed towards this game was enough that I stayed away. Sometimes, trusted reviews scare you away, and r...[Read More]

Never Played: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

I did not buy into the eighth generation of video game consoles until two years after their release. It’s not for a lack of wanting a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One; I knew I would get them eventually. I’ve just learned to wait until well after release to start buying new hardware. One of the drawbacks to that strategy is that I end up missing out on games released for both the old and new gen consoles...[Read More]

Never Played: Doom

This entry is not technically worthy of being here. I did play the Doom multiplayer beta back in April, an experience I was not too fond of. Although I have heard many positive things about the campaign, I had mostly avoided the game. The reason why is as silly as it is real: I don’t enjoy first-person shooters like I used to. I was a huge fan of the FPS back during the original Doom on PC. In the...[Read More]

Never Played: Prison Architect

As I write this, I am working on my third prison in Prison Architect. When I mean I’m working on it, I mean it’s on one of my 4 monitors. It’s running in the background as I write this. I am $157 in the red with this prison. But as soon as stupid prisoners buy into the Foundation Education Program, I’ll be in the black financially. Then again, if I expand the prison wing by another 85 inmates, I’l...[Read More]

Never Played: The Order 1886

Remember what I said last time about actively avoiding a game? Well, I avoided The Order 1886 purely based on word of mouth. Friends warned me that the game was a short, unsatisfying mess. So I stayed away. What changed and made me want to try this game? Probably morbid curiosity, but a part of me wanted to give the game a chance. I’ve liked playing games that others didn’t, most recently LittleBi...[Read More]

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