Bombshell Review

Bombshell Review

The spiritual Duchess of Nukem makes her debut in a mostly competent, lite action-RPG.

By TJ Hafer

Bombshell throws you face-first into an absurd sci-fi quest to save the President of the United States, fronted by a gritty, ex-military, hardass alien hunter sporting a metal arm and prominent cleavage. It plays out exactly how that premise would lead you to expect. Coming from the publishers of Duke Nukem and the developers of 2013’s Rise of the Triad reboot, it drips exactly the same kind of dudebro (or dude-sis, in this case?) self-aware ridiculousness as a Duke or a Serious Sam game. It makes no apologies for its story’s shortcomings, preferring to focus on letting you atomize extraterrestrials in a variety of over-the-top ways.

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