Amazon Lists Then Removes Listing for Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Ex

metal gear solid v

Online retailer Amazon temporarily listed Metal Gear Solid V Definitive Ex on its Amazon UK and Amazon Japan sites. A post on the PlayStation 4 Reddit showed the link for the UK site, which has since been removed. The listing gave a release date of December 31st and had mostly placeholder information.

Speculation has run rampant about what the game actually is. Many figure that a “Definitive” version would have to include the main game and its prequel, Ground Zeroes, as well as all cosmetic DLC. Others have pointed out that the title Definitive Ex may mean that it’s not a true definitive edition. Knowing Konami, that’s not as far-fetched as it would seem.

Also not out of the realm of possibility for Konami, Definitive Ex could include content that was unfinished or cut out of the original. Since Hideo Kojima, the series’ mastermind, is no longer with the company, the possibility of a “Definitive” Metal Gear Solid V game with odd content shoved in is a bit scary.

Konami has not formally announced the game. Looks like we will have to wait and see.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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