I got home from watching Jason Bourne (pretty good movie, by the way) and was too wired to go to sleep. Out of habit, I went on my computer and fired up Feedly to see what news tidbits crawled past while I was out. I found a Destructoid article whose title made my eyes click hard.
“Someone made a custom mini NES that takes cartridges.”
Wait, what?
I want you to take a good, hard look at daftmike’s YouTube video below. Seriously…watch this video and take it in.
[youtube id=”3dgnD93pwX0″ autoplay=”no”]
A custom mini NES I can understand. I have seen articles like this one that show people taking a stab at a small form factor NES case that can house a Raspberry Pi. These are meant for hobbyists who want to build their own Mini NES; you can choose from quite a few on Etsy.
But the Mini NES shown in the video is just…as a retro game lover, how can it NOT make me giddy? The man took a 3D printer; a Raspberry Pi; some NFC tags and a reader; and an incredible imagination, and created something ingenious. This Mini NES has its OWN MINI CARTRIDGES!!! He even made tiny NES controllers for it!!!
Every time I replay the video, I end up grinning like the Cheshire cat after freebasing the Joker’s Smilex!
If anyone adept at electronics and Linux wants to follow daftmike’s lead, he posted a guide on his blog. For the rest of us, we can only hope that he plans to sell kits.