Scream Queens: “Chainsaw” Review

Scream Queens: “Chainsaw” Review

“Aren’t we all running from the chainsaws in our past?”

By Terri Schwartz

Spoilers for Scream Queens Episode 3, “Chainsaw,” are below.

Everyone’s a suspect as Scream Queens returns with its third episode, and as its title promises, there was plenty of chainsaw action.

While I would argue Scream Queens’ self-awareness is one of its best strengths — it is a satire and commentary on slasher flicks, after all — that focus on the characters trying to confront the Red Devil killer in Episode 3 actually caused it to drag. There still are some standout moments of comedy, but this week’s episode felt bogged down by the need to respond to questions the audience would be asking by this point, like “who is the killer?”

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