Crimson Peak Review


Gothic horror with a modern twist.

By Scott Collura

Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak is a very deliberate return to an old-school type of horror story — the Gothic fiction, or romance, genre. But it’s also a uniquely modern spin on that particular style as it switches up gender roles, utilizes CGI to render its ghastly ghosts, and steadfastly earns its R-rating — in spades.

One of those ghosts is first seen early in the film, warning young Edith Cushing to beware of something called Crimson Peak. This is Edith’s mom, recently deceased and now a computer-generated specter that is more spooky than outright scary. But as Edith tells us at the beginning of the film in her narration, this isn’t a ghost story anyway but a story with ghosts in it.

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