Supernatural: “Form and Void” Review

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Review

A special diet

By Amy Ratcliffe

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Amara has a healthy appetite, but as it turns out, there was no need for Jenna to worry about buying formula for the baby. It’s only the second episode with the Darkness in the picture, but they’re not wasting any time filling in the gaps. I’m a fan. Amara eats souls, Amara grows up. Seeing a creepy, powerful little girl makes it hard not to think of Lilith. That’s the second villain of the past callback since the black vine-like marks are similar to the ones the Leviathans left. If the similarities are deliberate, it’s smart — it sort of adds to the case that the Darkness is bigger and badder than anything the Winchesters have faced before. If they’re accidental, well, it would be less awesome.

One of the best parts of gaining more knowledge about the Darkness is how Crowley’s tying into that plot line. His dialogue was snappy tonight, and it was a delight to see Mark Sheppard taking the character back to form. Nearly every line served as a reminder of Crowley no longer being Dean’s best pal and instead being back on the “looking out for number one” train. Crowley is at his best when he’s focused on his ambition.

And it was thrown in casually, but I adored learning about Crowley’s tie to nuns and priests. Of course he’s clever enough to have a system that both protects his demon assets and gives him the opportunity to leverage anything out of the ordinary — like Amara. It can be easy to forget Crowley’s business acumen, and it’s nice to see reminders of why he has the top seat in hell.

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Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos


Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos


Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos

Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos



Supernatural: “Form and Void” Photos
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Even when they’re not chummy, Dean and Crowley are hilarious together. Their personalities play off each other exceptionally well. Their quick paced humor and insults improve any episode. In fact, the humor in “Form and Void” was sharp. I don’t know how long they’ve been waiting to work the Ghostbusters bit in, but it played perfectly.

Sam still hid his infection from Dean which was frustrating, but I can now see some reason in it. Maybe he was trying to break the cycle. When Sam talked to Dean last week about how they’ve been failing at saving people, he referenced how he and Dean being willing to do anything for each other can be problematic. By hiding his unfortunate state from Dean, he was possibly preventing more strife. Though honesty is better, this theory makes me give Sam a little wiggle room.

The baby Winchester kept busy. It’s overdue. The focus of Supernatural last season was definitely Dean; it’s time to let Sam stretch his legs. Here, he asked for help from god, interacted with a reaper, and figured out how to save the infected. I like this take-charge Sam. He seemingly received a sign from god or an angel after he prayed too, and his weird vision opens up another mystery.

Back to the reaper: she elevated the stakes. Dean and Sam won’t be resurrected anymore. If they die, they’ll go to a place where they can’t be touched. This revelation expands the mythology and brings in a sense of danger. And we learned the reapers are still approaching business as usual with Death being well, dead. Having the reaper sing the same version of “Oh Death” that played when we first met Death in Season 5 was a bit on the nose, but it’s a lovely song and had a haunting effect so…

The Verdict

Tonight’s Supernatural wasn’t earth shattering, but it moved the needle in intelligent and engaging ways. The Amara/Darkness plot is chugging along and bringing about interesting developments for everyone but especially Crowley and Sam.

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I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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