Blunt Talk: Season 1 Review


Starz’s freshman comedy impresses with a season full of bizarre antics and surprising tears.

By Cliff Wheatley

Warning: Full spoilers for Blunt Talk: Season 1 follow.


After watching him dabble in comedy for years through special appearances and guest-spots, Patrick Stewart takes center stage as troubled but well-meaning political pundit Walter Blunt in Starz’s great new comedy, Blunt Talk. Developed by Bored to Death’s Jonathan Ames and produced by Family Guy’s Seth McFarlane, Blunt Talk is a character-centric comedy that carries over all of the best elements of Ames’ previous show. It frequently walks the line between pure absurdity and satire without forgetting that its characters think and feel like the rest of us.

This was an exceptionally strong debut season. Naturally, Walter was front and center. Though “I Seem to Be Running Out of Dreams for Myself” seemed to position the show as the story of Walter falling from the public’s grace after an embarrassing scandal, Blunt Talk more or less moved on from this very quickly. Instead of focusing on the damage done to Walter’s career (which appeared to be minimal), it instead explored how these events force him to reevaluate his personal relationships. We see him strive to be a better father, a better boss, a better friend, and a better lover. He succeeds in some and fails in many, but the desire for change is real and is what makes him so endearing as a character.

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