”You can never be fully prepared for me.”
By Eric Goldman
This is our review of the first of the two Agent Carter episodes that aired on February 16th. Click here for our review of the second episode.
Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.
After last week’s slower installment, Agent Carter offered two great episodes this week – the first of which offered an incredibly entertaining return for Dottie.
Bridget Regan is amazingly fun in this role and looks to be having a blast – reflecting the same delight Dottie seems to have by being in Peggy’s presence. From the scene where Peggy went to see the imprisoned Dottie to Jarvis & Dottie’s unlikely partnership to the thrill of Dottie & Whitney coming face to face, bringing the Black Widow back into this show was a great way to pick up the pace as we head into the second half of the 10-episode season.
Oh, and that black and red dress Dottie was wearing, with the big Black Widow influence? Killer.
I also liked that Peggy turning to Dottie was motivated by her injury, simply because a pet peeve of mine in TV shows is when someone bounces back from a big injury that just occurred in the previous episode – so it was good to see that no, Peggy can’t just go back to fighting right after having a rebar sticking straight through her.
We want to hear it.
And while bringing back your cool Season 1 villain could possibly overshadow your Season 2 threat, that thankfully wasn’t the case at all here, as Whitney had no problem dominating and decimating as well.
RIP, Chadwick… It sure seemed like no love was lost there, as Whitney showed just how lethal she was, taking out her husband and multiple members of the council at once. This was a terrific sequence, as she oh-so quickly turned the tables on the men who thought they could use her power for their own purposes and let those she let live know who was in control now.
As a big Ray Wise fan, I was very happy Jones was among those survivors… and even happier to get a mini-RoboCop reunion in this episode, as Jones and Vernon finally interacted, giving us some Ray Wise/Kurtwood Smith scenes 29 years after they teamed up to fight the Future of Law Enforcement together.

Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos

Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
Marvel’s Agent Carter: “Life of the Party/Monsters” Photos
The only thing confusing here is Thompson and just what we should make of him and his loyalties. He seemed to hear everything Jones was telling Vernon, but so far isn’t doing anything about it, even after it looked like he was concerned about the Council in a recent episode. Is he a cowardly opportunist or a straight up villain who does whatever Vernon says? Pretty soon, we’ll hopefully will get the final call on that.
While I still hope Jarvis gets his own proper story, Ana returned in this episode and we saw her grow frazzled as she began to realize, by seeing Peggy’s injury, just what sort of danger her husband is involved in, so that’s a start.
I could have done without Peggy nearly kissing Sousa in the same scene he tells her his engagement is off (maybe she should take a minute to process the situation), but it was a minor quibble in a very strong hour.
With Whitney managing to grab Dottie, we now have these two very deadly, very different woman linked together, which is another exciting development. There was a lot to love in this episode, as Peggy had to (physically) sit out a mission, yet still saw plenty occurring around her.