Agents of SHIELD: “Devils You Know” Review


Lashing out.

By Eric Goldman

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Damn, guess Hunter really wanted revenge on Ward, huh? Agents of SHIELD ended on an intense note this week, as Hunter essentially chose to sacrifice Andrew in order to take out Ward, despite May pleading with him to step down. It was a well-done moment that nicely subverted expectations where the hero, pushed to the edge, ultimately, usually does the right thing.

In fact, this moment was so big I wish the episode had focused a bit more on Hunter and perhaps spent less time on other storylines, simply because even with May’s scene with Hunter warning him he wasn’t thinking things through, it felt like we needed a bit more build up to this. Still, the decision in and of itself is a huge one – especially if Andrew is really dead. Though not seeing his face before the explosion (we saw a leg and shoes, but not the person’s face) certainly raise some questions.

I’m also pretty sure Andrew’s not dead because so much time was spent on he and May’s relationship issues, and him seeing a side of her he didn’t like, that it feels too early to just take him out. Though I hope their issues stem from something really inconsequential – like she makes too many changes to her orders at a restaurant and it drives him crazy.

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