Alien: Covenant Trailer #2 Released

alien: covenant

This took me a bit. I needed a change of underwear.

The second trailer for Alien: Covenant was released. It shows quite a bit more than the first trailer did, including the first glimpse of both the neomorph and this movie’s take on the xenomorph. And let me just say, they are pants-shittingly frightening!

The trailer takes its time to show the crew and the planet they are landing on. Since this movie’s working title was Paradise at one point, I’m gonna assume this is Paradise. It’s a very Earth-like planet; the crew members are able to breathe the air and not having to resort to space suits. There’s even wheat growing on the planet. My guess is this is the planet where the Engineers were found on in Prometheus. I also figure this expedition is one to prepare for colonization.

Soon enough, though, things go to hell in a hurry. one of the crew members steps on some black pods, which anyone who saw Prometheus would know may not be a good thing. Eventually, they come across some familiar eggs. One egg opens up and reveals…a face-hugger! From that point on, it’s on!

The rest of the trailer shows the crew members running, seemingly being chased, and other crew members either hit with the black goo or transforming. There is no chest-burster, but it looks like one crewman has a back-burster. Either way, it’s freaky.

All the action at the end of the trailer shows the crew being either attacked or stalked by the neomorph – an unevolved version of the xenomorph – and the xenomorph itself. In the final shot, the xenomorph is standing on one of their ships and head-butting the cockpit windshield. If I’m the pilot, I’m peeing on myself and not even apologizing for the mess!

Alien: Covenant is set to release on May 19th. I wasn’t too keen on Prometheus, but this title looks like it’s going to right the ship.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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