Nu and Inproved.
By Jeff Lake
Marvel’s Inhumans push continues as this week sees the release of their second Terrigen tweaked title, All-New Inhumans. From the creative team of James Asmus, Charles Soule and Stefano Caselli, All-New Inhumans mostly passes over the usual suspects such as Medusa and Black Bolt, instead focusing on the new guard of mist-made powerhouses. The result is a solid debut with a clear, focused narrative, albeit one that banks on some pre-existing knowledge going in.
The first thing that sets All-New Inhumans apart from its Uncanny predecessor is it’s more boots on the ground focus. Whereas Uncanny focuses more on Medusa, Black Bolt and the ruling family of New Attilan, All-New Inhumans appears more intent on building up the supporting cast and the world they were “born” into. Sure, mainstays like Gorgon and Crystal play their part, but by and large the issue is dedicated to the new blood. This is important, as beyond the core players it’s long been tough to differentiate the various Inhumans in the same way most comic readers can with their mutant counterparts. It’s too early to say whether the likes of Flint, Grid and Naja will ever reach the level of name recognition enjoyed by second tier mutants like Colossus and Gambit, but at least they’re being given an honest shot.

That same focus also goes a long way in setting the premise Asmus and Soule put forth, as we see the reaction to the Terrigen Cloud through fresh eyes. The debut doesn’t really waste time explaining the how’s and why’s of the cloud, instead assuming that you’ve been reading the bulk of Marvel’s other post-Secret Wars titles. As a result there are definitely a few instances that new readers may find a bit tough to follow, but given the amount of carefully worded dialogue, even the newest newbie can make it through. The real draw is in how All-New Inhumans paints the aforementioned events. Animosity from those who hate and fear you is one thing, but here we see how the cloud can also make one fear and hate themselves. In pairing the naïveté of these young characters against the more wearied wisdom of the veterans, the creators have laid the building blocks for some great drama, especially given the political arena the Inhumans now find themselves a part of. The X-Men rarely had to labor under the guise of role models or diplomats, so to have the Inhumans operating under such an ever watchful eye makes for a different sort of superhero tale.
It also helps that the book has an artist like Stefano Caselli at the helm. This is one pretty issue, filled with well realized characters, exciting action, and some great design work. Given the rather verbose script, Caselli is left to check a lot of boxes both in setting and in tone. He brings a certain attention to detail to the read that can’t be understated, as for the first time characters such as Flint and Grid feel distinct and unique as opposed to generic. Colorist Andres Mossa only furthers that distinction, his palette flexible to the events at hand. Overall he tends to stick to more muted hues, but that flatter look only makes the book’s more brighter elements pop. For whatever reason the same can’t quite be said of the book’s backup tale (as illustrated by Nico Leon), but overall Caselli and Mossa prove quite the pair.
All-New Inhumans provides a welcome focus on the Inhumans fledgling band of heroes, dotting coming of age heroics against more real world, global struggles. The script by Asmus and Soule possesses a strong voice and clear direction, even if its at times hindered by events that came before. Whether the book can hold its own against a sister title stacked with marquee names remains to be seen, but as of now the early returns are promising.
The new breed of Inhumans have mostly failed to make an impact thus far, but All-New Inhumans looks like the book to buck that trend. The strong characterization and global premise provides a welcome hook, as does the inviting art by Caselli and Mossa. New readers may find the overall navigation a bit muddy, but overall this title does a nice job in distinguishing itself as a worthy Inhumans solo.