Assault Android Cactus Review

Assault Android Cactus Review

Assault on the senses.

By Cam Shea

The enemies swarm in from all sides, leaving me frantically back-pedalling, staying just ahead of the pack as I blast them in the face, whirling to pick off enemies that pop up behind. When a big brute appears or the knot of robots grows too thick, I switch to my flamethrower to quickly drop anything in its path. The enemies are coming faster and faster, but thankfully my machine gun is ramping up too, soon helped along by a power-up that positions twin drones on either side of me. Bring it on! I think, sending a thick stream of pulsing gunfire blazing across the screen.

Assault Android Cactus (AAC) is a slick twin-stick shooter that knows how much fun it is to wield spectacular firepower. It’s also a game that understands that depth and difficulty are not necessarily the same thing. AAC is immediately accessible and thoroughly conquerable for an average player, but with extended play it also reveals a challenging end-game for high score chasers.


There’s always a LOT happening.

The spice of life

Initially though, you’ll likely be so enamoured by the intensity of the action and the variety in the level design to care too much about your score. In one level the floor might reconfigure itself under your feet, in another a series of conveyor belts conspire to tug you towards mobs of robots.

Enemy composition grows ever more complicated too, steadily introducing new foes – Buster Titans that leap at you, Fetcher Fidos that can tether you to the spot, Reaper Spectres that teleport in en masse and charge up powerful laser attacks – which must be prioritised and dispatched accordingly. The bigger guys are bullet sponges too, so unless your primary attack is powered all the way up – by collecting energy orbs that felled enemies drop – you’ll need to use your secondary weapon, which (mostly) operates on a cool-down system.

Reconfiguring beneath your feet.

Changing the very ground beneath your feet.

Each of the nine playable characters has a unique loadout, encouraging you to play to her strengths. Holly, for instance, has homing bullets, which aren’t all that powerful but help her maintain kill combos more easily than some characters, while her secondary is an energy cannonball that slowly travels across the screen but does a lot of damage. Starch, on the other hand, has a laser beam primary that does more damage the closer you are to an enemy, but requires more precision. She can unleash a barrage of rockets with her secondary fire.

Experimenting with the many characters – and seeing how familiar levels play out with a different android – is a big part of the appeal here. It also helps ensure AAC doesn’t get too frustrating. One sub-boss I was having trouble with, for instance, is able to dash to your position and knock you down in an instant, but once I realised that Starch’s secondary fire could shoot around the thick columns in the level, I realised I could keep a column between us and take the boss down from a distance.


Each android has her own play style.

If you’re looking for something a little different Assault Android Cactus has you covered, too. Peanut, for instance, shoots molten metal as her primary (leaving the ground burning for a short while), but also has a drill attack that sees her fly across the screen, driving the first enemy in her path back and into a wall. This can be a great way to get out of trouble or collect a distant battery that’s about to expire.

Aubergine is even more distinct. Instead of wielding a gun, players guide a robot drone, which is controlled independently, while she can also drop mini black holes for crowd control. Coral also allows for some cool strategies, with a wide shotgun spread main attack and a plasma field that does damage and repels enemy projectiles for her secondary.

When – and how – you use each character’s secondary attack is a vital part of AAC’s learning curve. Not only are they necessary for quickly dispatching bigger enemies – and groups of enemies – but you also do a dodge when switching from main to secondary, so using your secondary can keep you alive when timed well, as can picking up the right power-up.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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