Mr. Bloom’s seeds are taking root.
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have molded Superheavy into a compelling storyline where the physical battle between hero and villain is the least interesting element. The worst that could be said for Batman #45 is that the ending fell a little flat precisely because it veered into that hero vs. villain territory. This follow-up issues experiences some hurdles of its own as it tries to juggle the showdown between Batman and Mr. Bloom with the various other plot threads. The result is an issue with a slightly disjointed feel, but one that still offers plenty of enjoyment.
Bloom’s big debut before the wealthy elite of Gotham is all fine and well, but the villain lacks some of the creepy factor he’s shown in his earlier, briefer appearances. At some point it becomes clear that this is an intentional choice on Snyder and Capullo’s part. Bloom is putting on a show in a way, and it’s only late in this issue that readers are given a more intimate look at the villain. For the most part, this issue settles for exploring Bloom as a physical threat to the new Batman, which he very clearly is. Capullo’s sharp angles and sinister body language ensure that much. However the original Batman might have fared against this inhuman creature, the new one is finding himself terribly outmatched. Their clash calls into question one of the central ideas of this arc – can anyone be Batman? Is a symbol alone enough to inspire people to overcome overwhelming odds? In a lot of ways Gordon is a pretty lousy Batman, but that’s kind of the point.

This issue includes some other intriguing material as Snyder and Capullo touch base with the amnesiac Bruce Wayne and the driven Duke Thomas. The former continues to revel in his newfound domestic bliss with Julie Madison. It’s almost bizarre seeing Bruce in this situation, though not in a bad way. It’s fun to see Capullo cut loose and actually lend some real sex appeal to the book. Who needs 50 Shades of Grey when you have Bruce and Julie enjoying some happy shower fun time?
As for Duke, the character is quickly coming into his own as the latest of Batman’s many teen sidekicks. The fact that no one asked him to don the mantle of Robin or particularly wants him skulking about the rooftops of Gotham is part of Duke’s appeal. Another part is the way he calls back to a younger Tim Drake. Like Tim, Duke gets by less on physical prowess than on smarts and tech savvy. That much becomes clear when Duke stands up to a gaggle of Gotham’s toughest villains.
The various pieces of this story don’t fit together as neatly as they could in this issue, but on the whole “Superheavy” is moving into some very compelling territory.
The Superheavy storyline continues to move into interesting and unexpected places as Mr. Bloom makes his presence known across Gotham. This issue has its problems, but it offers a great showcase for the three core players in this storyline and the promise of more surprises and drama to come.