The tragedy of being Batman.
Batman #49 is much like issue #44 in that it’s a side-story from the main “Superheavy” conflict, allowing regular artist Greg Capullo to work ahead on his last two remaining issues. But a simple filler issue this isn’t. Batman #49 is a vital addition to “Superheavy,” offering one last, introspective look at Bruce Wayne and his legacy before he takes the final plunge toward reclaiming the mantle of Batman.
This story arc has often reflected Grant Morrison’s Bat-influence in various small ways, but nowhere is that influence more apparent than in this issue. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV craft a story right out of the Return of Bruce Wayne playbook, full of surreal glimpses of other Batmen in other times and dimensions and philosophical musings on the relationship between Bruce the man and Batman the unstoppable force of nature. There’s some of that tired old “Is Bruce Wayne just Batman’s mask?” trope at play, but Snyder and Tynion are really concerned with more compelling questions than that. This issue explores the notion of whether Bruce can be Batman without that defining childhood trauma driving him. Even more than that, it questions whether Bruce might be a better, stronger Batman if he’s finally freed of that trauma.

This issue never quite delivers a definitive answer to those questions. In some ways Batman #50 and the finale to “Superheavy” will be the real judge of whether this chapter was a success or not. But at the very least, this issue thrives in exploring the relationships Bruce shares with both Alfred and Julie Madison. It builds particularly well on the thunderous climax of issue #48 and Alfred’s despondent realization that the specter of Batman has returned to haunt Bruce. The writers cast the two very much as father and son and deliver a terrifically emotional look at Alfred’s refusal to damn Bruce all over again. If Morrison’s Return of Bruce Wayne was a joyful triumph of Bruce’s will, “Superheavy” is more reflective of the tragedy of the situation.
It’s great to see Paquette dabbling in the Batman franchise again, especially since he’s applying his bold, intricate approach to page design that he honed on Swamp Thing. Each one of Paquette’s pages draws the eye, whether they focus on the unusual, otherworldly incarnations of Batman or the tense emotional standoff in the Batcave. Paquette’s brings a powerful mood to the story, whether it’s the crushing, foreboding sense of doom in the present or the adventurous optimism of the alternate Batmen. It’s tough to complain about a “fill-in” artist when the end result looks this good.
Batman #49 is far from being a mere stopgap before the big finale to Superheavy next month. This issue offers a compelling look at Bruce Wayne’s return to being Batman and whether the immortality of the Dark Knight is a blessing or a curse. It’s a very different comic from the ones that preceded it in both look and feel, and that’s part of why this issue is such a great read.