When Batman is away, the Robins will play.
It’s not surprising that DC would opt to follow up their weekly Batman Eternal comic with a sequel. However, Batman and Robin Eternal is a very different beast from its predecessor. It’s shorter, somewhat more focused in terms of the cast, features recurring flashbacks and is concerned less with Batman himself than the many heroes who have been inspired to carry on his legacy. This first issue marks a strong start to what is shaping up to be a very interesting conflict for Batman’s many former sidekicks.
Batman Eternal was nothing if not a grim, dour comic, so it’s refreshing to see writer James Tynion IV inject a little humor into this sequel. Much of that stems from Dick Grayson’s role as the central protagonist. DC has shown an increased willingness to allow Dick to be the freewheeling, fun-loving member of the Bat-family despite the inherent darkness of his new status quo (with his shapely posterior becoming a running joke lately). This issue takes on a fun, adventuresome tone as Dick returns to Gotham to play the sexy super-spy and team’s up with Jason Todd and Tim Drake in the process. Tynion is adept at ensuring that each of these heroes has a distinct voice and personality. That extends to the other major players in this issue as well, including Harper Row and a new addition to the Gotham lineup that will likely make fans happy. Tynion juggles quite a few players in this first issue, but they all tie into the story in natural ways.

The conflict certainly has its share of darkness, though. After all, the series is predicated on the idea that Dick and his allies are uncovering a terrible secret that dates back to the early days of the Dynamic Duo. However, it’s that balance between the lighthearted and darker elements that makes this issue so appealing. There’s a real sense that these heroes are adrift and in search of purpose in the aftermath of Batman’s “death.”
Visually, this weekly series starts off strong thanks to Tony Daniel. Daniel delivers some highly visceral and dynamic action scenes as the Robin team up unfolds. As with the recent Batman Day preview story, Daniel seems to have altered his familiar style a bit, opting for a more heavily textured approach that really enhances the mood of the story.While this will be Daniel’s only full issue of Eternal for the immediate future, at least he sets a high bar for subsequent artists to aim.
If anything, this issue suffers a bit where the mystery elements are concerned. After watching Lost for so many years, it becomes harder and harder to tolerate characters who speak in cryptic riddles for no other reason than artificially prolonging a mystery. Also, the final page cliffhanger overplays its hand. It certainly qualifies as a shocking twist, but it’s so out of character for the person involved that there’s no point in taking the reveal at face value.
While DC didn’t necessarily need another Batman comic (much less a weekly one), Batman and Robin Eternal makes a strong case for itself in its first issue. While some aspects of this new series are as dark as its predecessor, the series also boasts a welcome dose of fun and adventure thanks to Dick Grayson’s starring role. How well this six-month-long mystery will shape up remains to be seen, but this opening chapter starts off the series on the right note.