Warning: this review contains spoilers for the events of the Batman: Arkham Knight video game!
To say Arkham Knight: Genesis will reveal the origin of the titular villain is a bit misleading, considering that the game already delivered the basics of Jason Todd’s transformation from teen sidekick to vengeful mercenary. The goal of this series is more to flesh out that transformation and shed more light on what transpired both before Jason’s near-death experience and during his years of training to bring down Batman. There’s a lot of meat to this book, and it should come as no surprise that it feels denser and more purposeful than the ongoing Arkham Knight comic.
The series doesn’t take place entirely in the distant past, as a framing device in this opening issue showcases the Arkham Knight and Hush preparing for the upcoming siege on Gotham. The clash of personalities is what makes this material intriguing. Both men have their reasons for hating Bruce Wayne. These scenes also add some welcome extra context to Hush’s role in the game, especially considering that the game’s story suffers from the fact that most of the side-quests feel utterly divorced from the main conflict.

The bulk of this issue, though, offers an origin story for Jason that spans from his birth and rough childhood to his first encounter with Batman. Pete Tomasi expertly captures Jason’s voice and inner struggle, painting him as a blue collar counterpoint to more refined Robins like Dick Grayson and Tim Drake. The running theme of Gotham being a place of strong gravitational pull that’s impossible to escape is a nice touch. Alisson Borges’ art suits the tone of the story well, alternating grim and hopeful as Jason struggles to rise from his unhappy roots. Borges’ use of perspective is a little wonky, but his environments and character designs feel right at home with the games.
The one element that doesn’t quite work, though, is Bruce’s distant relationship with Jason. The series takes a page from the New 52 in terms of eliminating the concept of Bruce adopting wards and instead treating the Robin mantle more like an internship. The Batman/Robin dynamic is supposed to be strongly familial, but here it seems cold and impersonal, which could easily work against the book when Jason’s story takes a turn for the worse.