Battlefield 1 : Back to its Roots, and BOY Does it Look Good

battlefield 1

Thank God this is not going to be another futuristic soldier game! Over the last 6 years, a new trend has been going on that has infuriated me to my core. Being someone that was in love with the Call of Duty franchise, my soul has been crushed over and over again the last couple of years. I first fell in love with military-style First Person Shooters in 2002, when Battlefield 1942 came out. I instantly fell in love with this genre. Then in 2003 came Call of Duty. I was instantly hooked by both games. Most of their follow-ups were all set in the World War II era and I couldn’t be happier. That was until 2007, when a game called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare blew my freakin’ mind.

I could not get enough of this game. The campaign alone was so epic that I played it over and over again. Who could forget the way you felt when the nuke went off while you were in a helicopter trying to escape the blast zone, or the sniper mission that left you in awe when you shot someone from over a mile away? Those were the days when military shooters felt like military shooters. Modern Warfare 2 and 3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3…all these games were done correctly in my opinion, and felt so satisfying to play.

Now here comes 2012: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its future technology. Although it wasn’t a bad game by any means, it did start a trend that got me to where I am today and my hatred for the Call of Duty franchise. Battlefield, on the other hand, stuck to its guns and stayed relevant in not using too much future tech in its next installment, Battlefield 4, in 2013. It was still the Military FPS I know and love. Call of Duty, on the other hand, came out with Ghosts – CRAP!!! – and Advanced warfare – Bigger Crap!!! Every installment kept moving more and more into future tech and more and more away from its military shooter roots.

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare

In 2015, we got Black Ops 3, and now I am running on walls with my exo-skeleton suit. They should have just called it Titanfall 2! NOW we have CALL OF DUTY:INFINITE FUCKEN WARFARE! ARE YOU FUCKIN’ KIDDING ME?!?!?! Let’s not only go more into the future, let’s fight IN MOTHERFUCKIN’ SPACE!!! What has happened to this once beloved series? What the hell are they doing over there at Infinity Ward and Treyarch? Even though they are remastering Modern Warfare…too little, too late. The damage is done.

Battlefield 1 Zeplin

Battlefield 1 Zeplin

No longer being the optimist, I saw the trailer for Battlefield 1, thinking it was going to be more lame ass future shit. I was stunned at what I saw! WORLD WAR I action, my friends. Zeppelins with turrets, dogfights in the skies, and, of course, a man getting wrecked by a shovel. My heart rejoiced at the sight of tanks that weren’t flying around and guys with rifles, not sonic blasters. This was only a glimmer of hope due to it being a trailer and not actual gameplay, but man did it feel good to see that military First Person Shooters will not turn into futuristic laser battles, but instead tell a story that hasn’t been fully told in video games and on a next generation console. I have high hopes that this will start a new trend and bring back our old school military-style FPS.


I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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