Battlefield 1 Premium Pass and First Expansion Detailed

battlefield 1

EA has released details on its Premium Pass for Battlefield 1 and…well, it’s a typical EA thing.

The Origin page for Battlefield 1 lists the Premium Pass at $49.99. It will include early access to all new multiplayer maps, four expansion packs, and a bunch of new dog tags, skins, and weapons. The first expansion is called “They Shall Not Pass”, and it will introduce the French army to the game.

“Scout ahead with a two-week head start on four themed expansion packs. And France joins the fight in all new multiplayer maps,” reads the product description. Following this, another expansion “will bring the Russian Empire into the battle.”

Dog tags, skins, and weapons will be provided as monthly Battlepacks. They will be delivered to Premium Pass owners starting on November 2016.

“Get ready for new Operations and game modes, new Elite classes, weapons, vehicles, and more,” the description continues. “The Battlefield 1 Premium Pass includes 16 new multiplayer maps, 20 new weapons, 14 unique dog tags, and 14 Battlefield 1 Battlepacks containing stand-out weapon skins. Each Battlepack is delivered monthly, starting November 2016.”

Personally, I think these types of Season Passes are naked cash grabs. Players will essentially be playing $110 for a game ($60 for base game, $50 for Premium Pass). Moreover, the expansions seem like they were elements of the game that were walled off in order to sell separately. I mean, Battlefield 1’s engagements take place in France most of the time. You would think the French army would be available if, you know, the enemy were assaulting their own country?

Battlefield 1 launches on October 21st for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The first expansion, “They Shall Not Pass”, is scheduled for release in March 2017.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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