Every Wednesday is new comic book day and hundreds of comic books hit local comic shops and the digital market. While many readers pick books based on the creative teams involved or the stories and characters contained within, each comic is trying its best to grasp the consumer’s attention with its cover.
Each week, we will be highlighting some of the best comic book cover art from the past week’s releases and discussing the artists involved. Here’s what caught our eye this week.

First up, this week, is THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1.2 by Simone Bianchi. There’s some great work here with the colors and shading, as Spider-Man gets dragged into the ground. Bianchi has a great style that invokes an element of fear and terror in this cover.

The next cover to make the list this week is VISION #3 by Mike Del Mundo. While the current VISION series reads more like horror than a superhero story, this cover does a fine job at delivering the story for the past couple of issues. Vivian, Vision’s wife, killed the Grim Reaper and hid his body. Del Mundo always creates some eye-catching covers.

Here’s DARTH VADER #15 by Francesco Francavilla. He has a style unlike anyone else in comics that has a classic, pulp feel to it, which is especially noticeable with his color palette. Here, C-3PO and R2D2 stand next to Darth Vader in this beautifully drawn variant cover.

Next up is X-O MANOWAR #43, by Mike Choi. This 1:20 retailer incentive variant cover evokes an emotional response from the reader. The colorwork is very soft and the background makes X-O really pop off the page while staying interesting with the work Choi put into it.

Here’s DETECTIVE COMICS #48 by Andrew Robinson. Everything about this cover makes it a real stand-out, from the raindrops in the foreground to the way Robinson framed Batman (Jim Gordon) on the cover. The minimal use of color really makes the Batman logo pop too.

Finally, closing out the list is ARCHIE #5 by Thomas Pitilli. This is one of the three covers ARCHIE had this month and this was the standout. The perspective here is really cool, coming in from above, looking down on the characters, sitting against the lockers. Overall, it’s very aesthetically pleasing.
That’s it for this week. If there’s a cover you loved that you think we missed, let us know.