Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare from Windows Store Cannot Connect With Steam Users

infinite warfare

With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare out today, tens of thousands of veteran players can now jump on multiplayer and tell me how they slept with my mother…INNNNNNNN SPAAAAAAAAAACE! Unfortunately, some PC owners will discover that the pool of fellow “adults” they can grief is much smaller than they hoped for.

Customers who bought the game via the Windows Store are discovering that they cannot play with PC players who got their copy on Steam.  This extends to both Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered. Activision confirms the inability of the two PC bases to cross-play.

“You can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store,” Activision says.

Well, at least Windows Store PC users can connect with Xbox One users…right? Well, it seems cross-play is not enabled there, either. True, the title is not a Microsoft Play Anywhere title, which allows certain compatible games to cross-play between Microsoft platforms. Still, cross-play between them is not exactly rare.

When asked by Windows Central about cross-play, Microsoft said, “We support cross-play between devices and platforms for partners who want to enable it.”  That, of course, means that someone at Activision decided cross-play wasn’t needed. Why they would release Infinite Warfare on two separate PC platforms without cross-play is anyone’s guess.

For PC players who want to play with their friends online, be sure to get the version that they’re getting. More dedicated players may have to get both versions to maximize their options. Of course, it’s asinine and real shady of Activision to force PC players to make two purchases if they want to play with everyone possible.

Then again, it’s not like bundling Modern Warfare Remastered with the Deluxe versions of Infinite Warfare was very consumer-friendly anyway.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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