
Never Played: Assassin’s Creed: Unity

To me, the Assassin’s Creed series died with Unity. It was, without a doubt, the worst game in the series. I’m including Assassin’s Creed III in that argument. And I said that without ever having played Unity. That is an egregious fault on my part. I based that declaration on the negative press Unity received upon launch. I based it on the raft of glitches and crashes people experienced on launch ...[Read More]

Star Fox Zero Review

Developer: Nintendo, PlatinumGames Publisher: Nintendo Platform Reviewed: Wii U Release Date: August 30, 2016 Acquired via: Purchase by Reviewer Star Fox Zero on Wii U Review: Nintendo on Auto-Pilot Star Fox Zero released 6 months ago. Many, including me, hoped that this would be a fitting end to the Wii U’s life and a last gasp attempt at how the game pad could be kinetically and dynamicall...[Read More]

Xbox One Tops Console Sales Charts for Third Month in a Row

For the third month in a row, data tracking site NPD Group has announced that the Microsoft Xbox One is the best-selling console in the US. GfK Entertainment, UK confirms that the console was also the top-seller in the UK for September. Microsoft’s console first topped the US console sales charts in July. It continued into August following the release of the Xbox One S that month. Since then, howe...[Read More]

Uncle Willy’s Retro Review: The Adventures of Lolo

This is the beginning of a new series where I discuss the old-school games that I recall from my olden times. Today I take a look at The Adventures of Lolo, my favorite puzzle game on the NES. Click here for a written review of this game.

PlayStation VR Works Just Fine with Xbox One

The PlayStation VR officially hit the market today. The headset, meant to be paired with Sony’s own PlayStation 4, turns out to work fine without one. Several reports on a PlayStation VR subreddit have claimed success with connecting the PS VR to Microsoft’s rival console, the Xbox One. Polygon took on the challenge and confirms it does indeed with well. It’s a simple as connecting the PS VR’s HDM...[Read More]

PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 Controller will be Natively Supported by Steam

Valve has announced that the PlayStation 4’s DualShock 4 controller will be natively supported on Steam. The support will be added in an upcoming update. The announcement was made by Valve’s Jeff Bellinghausen during the company’s Steam Dev Days conference, which Gamasutra transcribed. The update will be able to customize all game inputs for the DualShock4 and will be able to take advantage of the...[Read More]

Cuphead Delayed until Mid-2017

Ah, phooey! Cuphead, the run-n-gun homage to 1930s cartoons and recreational LSD use, is being delayed. Originally, it was set to release later this year. But developer Studio MDHR decided the game needed a little more time to marinate. It explained its reasoning in a blog post. “Throughout this year we discussed reducing the scope to make a 2016 release, but we made the difficult decision to dela...[Read More]

The Legend of Zelda Chest that is Also an NES

These are the kinds of things that make me all giddy inside. Mako Mod, a Spanish group that has made some wicked mods for consoles before, recently showed off their latest creation. And it sings to the retro gamer in me. This is a fully working NES in a treasure chest that’s made to look like it came straight outta The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. What’s more, the chest once open reveals a shiny g...[Read More]

The Seven Stages of My Nintendo Grief

Literally as I write this, I’m periodically checking Google and Twitter for sudden news, leaks, reports or diagrams. It has gott that bad. But why? After E3’s solitary showing of Zelda and each explicit and subsequent refusal to reveal at events or Directs, Nintendo’s mythical next platform, codenamed NX, has social media and the video game industry on the edge of their digital a...[Read More]

The Video Game Crash of 1983

I’ve been meaning to do this article for a while now. I have two drafts of this article in my hard drive. Both are long, melodramatic pieces that work hard to weave a story about how the Video Game Crash of 1983 was a tragic tale. Maybe I’ll use one of them as the script for a documentary about the topic. It’s good stuff. The story about the Video Game Crash of 1983 – the era where video gam...[Read More]

New Video Game Releases for Week of October 11, 2016

The list of games below may make it look like it’s a slow week. Think again! With the PlayStation VR out, the VR titles are beginning to come out. This week’s headlines include Batman: Arkham VR and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. Also, the PS4 and PC finally get Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration. The Xbox One, of course, has its own ammo, with Gears of War 4 finally making its debut. Click ...[Read More]

Retro Review: Adventures of Lolo (NES)

Release Date: April 20, 1989 Developer: HAL Laboratory Publisher: HAL Laboratory Puzzle games have always held a special place in my heart. Whenever the adrenaline rush of shoot-em-ups and the story of a good RPG paled, I would always relax by taxing my mind with a puzzle game. The mental stress was taxing yet soothing. It was my way of chilling out. While my ex-wife was in labor with my son, wait...[Read More]

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