I played the recent Battleborn beta test and enjoyed the game. I put a large amount of time into the game, and the amount of suckage on my part while playing it was also large. But while I did suck at it – I called myself the MVP of Digital Crack as a joke – I came away from Battleborn feeling I had a very good experience overall. I should say first that I am not great at first-person shooters. I ...[Read More]
“My controller sucks!” I have barked that exclamation many times while playing video games, all the way back to my days with the Atari 2600. 90% of the time, I knew deep inside, in places where I have to be honest, that I didn’t react fast enough, or precise enough, or was too drunk to pull off the move I wanted to execute. It was that last 10% of the time, however, that really made me want to chu...[Read More]
The best Video game podcast on this planet! We had the guys from Dot Dreams Studio Drop by (Developers of Never Ending Night) and we talked about Their journey on creating this beautiful and fun Game.We also talk about Virtual Reality and much More.Check it out.
When I first played the original Mirror’s Edge on the Xbox 360 years ago, the game itself wasn’t too impressive. I remember the story being crap and the areas I traversed being overly linear, almost on rails. The hand-to-hand combat was engaging and allowed a bit of freedom in how to attack enemies, but most people in the game felt pretty lifeless. But the running was spectacular, and I thoroughly...[Read More]
The release date and cover art for this year’s Call of Duty have appeared to have leaked online via Reddit. It also reveals that a remastered Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare will be included in the legacy edition. It will be called Infinite Warfare and will release on November 4 according to a pre-order card from target. The next Call of Duty will apparently get unveiled on May 3. I think this...[Read More]
Housemarque has become a household name for the PlayStation gamer. Offering up some of the best twin stick shooter arcade titles like Dead nation, Super StarDust and Resogun. Alienation is there latest title and it’s a PS4- exclusive. Let me address something right off the bat, this is not Dead Nation with aliens. Sure there are similarities but it’s very apparent these are 2 different...[Read More]
The Reality of Always-Online Gaming I did it. I finally got myself an Xbox One. It was the only 8th Generation console I was missing. Now I feel complete. Now I can join my fellow Digital Crack colleagues on all multiplayer binges, regardless of platform. Life is good. My console space is limited, though. I currently own 22 consoles, including my Xbone, and things are tight on my stands. For the t...[Read More]
In trying to explain my feelings during the week of April 11, 2016 – Beta Week – when three betas became available for me to play, the term “like a kid in a candy store” inevitably comes up. I was given the chance to play three games, for a limited time, well before they were supposed to come out. My excitement was lessened by the fact that the three games were all first-person shooters, a g...[Read More]
Don’t you hate it when you get proven wrong? Don’t you hate it when your plans blow up in your face? Don’t you REALLY hate it when you become the world’s worst joke? Again? I am, of course, asking Microsoft. They should be tired of this by now, but they love putting themselves in this position. I’m still asking because, seriously, they should know better by now. The monolith from Redmond, WA recen...[Read More]
Since I literally got into gaming when video games were first mass-marketed for the general public, my view on gaming has been skewed by my experiences over the years. This is most evident when my daughter bitches about something while playing a game that makes me want to get on my old-man soapbox and wax about the old days. She recently whined about having to save a game because we had to go some...[Read More]
Warcraft is heading to cinemas on June 10, and for fans of the franchise, it can’t come soon enough. The anticipation surrounding this particular film is unusually high considering the normal standard of movie-game crossovers, so here’s hoping it doesn’t disappoint. Today a second movie spot has landed for the fantasy flick, and you can see it in all its glory below.