
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: “Night of the Hawk” Review

The team traveled back to 1958 this week as Vandal Savage played mad scientist in a sleepy little town.

It’s Always Sunny: Season 11 Finale Review

In Always Sunny's Season 11 finale, The Gang recalled their final hours on the sinking cruise ship.

Underground: “The Macon 7” Review

The pilot for WGN America's Underground Railroad slavery drama isn't perfect, but it has promise.

People v. O.J. Simpson: “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” Review

Marcia Clark's private life becomes public in this standout episode.

Of Kings and Prophets: Series Premiere Review

Of Kings and Prophets doesn't strike the proverbial chord of David's harp, but there's still room for improvement.

Limitless: “Close Encounters” Review

This week, Brian and Rebecca's quarantine led to a bitter falling out with major consequences.

Agents of SHIELD: Midseason Premiere Review

SHIELD returned with the team seeking out a new Inhuman, while Hive made himself at home with Hydra.

The Muppets: Season 1 Review

The Muppets returned to TV with a handful of regrettable twists and tweaks.

Better Call Saul: “Gloves Off” Review

The Jimmy and Chuck face-off we've been waiting for.

Bates Motel: Season 4 Premiere Review

Bates Motel returns for its fourth season as Norma discovers that she proooobably should have gotten Norman help years ago.

Gotham: “A Dead Man Feels No Cold” Review

Gordon attempts to set a trap for Mr. Freeze in Arkham while Bruce and Alfred make a new pact.

Grim Dawn Review

One of the best ARPGs in ages, with everything a Diablo 3 competitor needs and a few of its own tricks.

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