
It’s Always Sunny: “The Gang Goes to Hell” Review

The Gang hops on board a Christian cruise ship determined to take a vacation from their sinful ways.

Star Wars Rebels: “Shroud of Darkness” Review

Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka go on an eventful journey together.

Hap and Leonard: Series Premiere Review

James Purefoy and Michael K. Williams star in Sundance's new '80s pulp series about two friends and the trouble they get into. So what's the verdict?

The X-Files: Season 10 Review

The X-Files, with original stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, returned to FOX for six brand new episodes. So how was the revival?

The People v. O.J. Simpson: “The Race Card” Review

The trial of the century gets underway in "The Race Card."

The Shannara Chronicles: Season 1 Finale Review

The quest to save the Ellcrys has unexpected consequences.

Agent Carter: Season 2 Finale Review

As Season 2 wraps up, Whitney's more powerful than ever, leading to some strange alliances to stop her.

The Muppets: Season 1 Finale Review

Musical guests Willie Nelson and Jack White help The Muppets close out their season with a double-episode focused on Kermit and Piggy's love.

Digital Crack Video Game Podcast Episode 19

The raunchiest video game podcast on the planet. We are a couple of foul mouthed degenerates that love playing video games.This week we Talk a lot about The Division,Hitman Beta and moon studios talking about nintendo developer kits.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Review

The graphics in this HD update can look flat at times, but it's still a great chapter in the Zelda series.

11.22.63: “Other Voices, Other Rooms” Review

This week's 11.22.63 got back to the matter at hand, as Lee Harvey Oswald arrived in Dallas.

The Magicians: “The Mayakovsky Circumstances” Review

A trip to Brakebills South means big changes for everyone involved.

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