
Supernatural: “Beyond the Mat” Review

WWE's The Miz guest stars as Sam and Dean take a dangerous detour to pay their respects to a dead wrestling icon.

It’s Always Sunny: “Charlie Catches a Leprechaun” Review

On St. Patrick's Day, Charlie goes on a Leprechaun hunt while Dennis tries to create a mobile Paddy's truck.

Arrow: “Taken” Review

Vixen paid a visit to Star City in order to help Team Arrow track down Damien Darhk.

Star Wars Rebels: “The Honorable Ones” Review

Zeb and Kallus are stranded together in an excellent episode.

iZombie: “Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind” Review

Liv's feeling especially optimistic, while things get worse for Blaine.

Mad Catz Fightstick Alpha Review

It's compact and serviceable, but the Fightstick Alpha lacks the stability and performance for serious use.

Limitless: “Sands, Agent of Morra” Review

This week, Brian learned Sands's shocking (and comic book-illustrated) backstory.

The People v. O.J. Simpson: “100% Not Guilty” Review

Both the prosecution and defense are willing to play the game to win the trial.

Agent Carter: “A Little Song and Dance” Review

There was singing, dancing, fighting and Darkforce aplenty in the penultimate episode of Season 2.

The Shannara Chronicles: “Safehold” Review

The Shannara Chronicles continues to offer cool dystopian twists on fantasy in its penultimate episode.

Agent Carter: “The Edge Of Mystery” Review

Whitney had big plans for Zero Matter, while Thompson made some notable moves.

The Flash: “King Shark” Review

The Flash teamed up with some familiar faces from Arrow to battle a giant shark on this eventful episode.

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