
Layers of Fear Review

Lack of subtlety and a reliance on boring cliches smothers any good ideas this horror game might have.

Black Sails: “XXII” Review

With a price on his head, Vane attempts to escape Nassau alive while Flint and his crew meet a few hostile island inhabitants.

Girl Meets World: “Girl Meets Commonism” Review

Riley became a communist in this week's Girl Meets World.

Vinyl: Series Premiere Review

Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger, and Terence Winter bring the sordid, drug-addled '70s rock scene to HBO. So is it worth the needle drop?

The Big Bang Theory: “The Valentino Submergence” Review

Raj faced plenty of relationship drama in this Valentine's Day-themed episode.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: “White Knights” Review

The team headed to Soviet Russia this week for a little international espionage.

The 100: “Watch the Thrones” Review

Lexa and Roan battled in an episode filled with some incredible thrills and a couple of questionable story turns.

Eddie the Eagle Review

Taron Egerton plays infamous Olympic skier Eddie Edwards and Hugh Jackman is his coach in entertaining underdog story.

Deus Ex Universe: Children’s Crusade #1 Review

If you're tired of waiting for the next Deus Ex game, this prequel comic might be able to tide you over.

Supernatural: “Love Hurts” Review

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Sam and Dean track an "It Follows"-style vengeance demon that delivers a nasty heart punch.

It’s Always Sunny: “Being Frank” Review

Always Sunny takes us inside the mind of Frank on the day of a very important scheme.

Arrow: “Sins of the Father” Review

Ollie faced a huge dilemma this week as Nyssa al Ghul returned and Thea's life hung in the balance.

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