
What Did You Think of This Week’s iZombie?

What did you think of this week's headless mystery?

The Muppets: “A Tail of Two Piggies” Review

Joan Jett and Ian Ziering guest on an episode focusing on the controversy surrounding a Piggy wardrobe malfunction.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Review

The Ultimate Ninja Storm series sadly does not end on a high note.

Supergirl: “For the Girl Who Has Everything” Review

The new episode of Supergirl used one of the most famous Superman stories of all time as source material. How'd it turn out?

Did You Like Supergirl’s Alan Moore Tribute?

The new episode of Supergirl used one of the most famous Superman stories of all time as source material. How'd it turn out?

The X-Files: “Home Again” Review

Scully receives some tragic news while working a case with Mulder involving a mysterious skid row murderer.

Cobalt Review

Catchy multiplayer can’t save this buggy mess from careless level design.

The Venture Bros.: “Maybe No Go” Review

Good and evil clashed this week as Team Venture had their first encounter with Wide Wale and Augustus St. Cloud returned.

Black Sails: “XXI” Review

In the midst of a starving and stranded crew, Silver clashes with Flint over the best course forward.

Nintendo: Screwing Over Gamers since 1985!

Nintendo pisses me off so much that I can’t even bring myself to defend them anymore! Before recording the latest Digital Crack podcast, my good friend and podcast compatriot, Grumpy Joe, dropped some news that made me give up on the Big N forever. They finally announced their first-ever game for mobile platforms. After decades of doing their thing on their own hardware, they were branching out an...[Read More]

Regression Review

Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson try to conjure satanic scares in this mundane thriller.

Galavant: Season 2 Review

Galavant's second season combined the silly with the profound and served it all with a side of music.

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