
Arrow: “A.W.O.L.” Review

The Diggle brothers took center stage this week as a new threat emerged in Star City.

Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Kantana #1 Review

DC's new Suicide Squad mini-series puts the spotlight on Deadshot and Katana. Is it worth a look?

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Review

A few cool additions might not save this jumbled game, but they'll darn sure avenge it.

All-New, All-Different Avengers #4 Review

Captain America and Thor get romantic in a very special new chapter of All-New, All-Different Avengers.

Old Man Logan #1 Review

Marvel's newest X-Men comic picks up where Secret Wars left off with Old Man Logan.

That thing you love? It sucks!

I’m going to tell you folks something. You may get mad about it, but hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll feel a little better about it. If not, well, maybe I can make you a drink. Just be warned, I mix them strong. Are you ready? Ok, here goes: That video game you love to play right now? Or that movie you really love? Or that song that you can’t get out of your head because it’s so catch...[Read More]

Heroes Reborn: Season 1 Review

Breaking down what worked and didn't with NBC's Heroes Reborn.

Kung Fu Panda 3 Review

Kung Fu Panda 3 offers a fun-filled, action-packed conclusion to DreamWorks' endearing animated series.

The Shannara Chronicles: “Reaper” Review

The Reaper might be causing destruction, but it's still the Changeling that's causing the most trouble.

The Expanse: “Salvage” Review

Big revelations and a new discovery make this a can't miss episode.

The Flash: “The Reverse-Flash Returns” Review

Barry and his friends dealt with new drama this week as an old villain returned to threaten Central City.

Agent Carter: “Better Angels” Review

The effects of Darkforce on Whitney and Wilkes begin to be discovered, as Howard Stark returns to help Peggy.

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