
American Horror Story: Season Finale Review

The carnage at The Cortez comes to a close as Liz and Iris have big plans for their grand re-opening.

The Legend of Wonder Woman #1 Review

If you want to know more about the origins of Wonder Woman, DC has just the comic for you.

It’s Always Sunny: “Frank Falls Out the Window” Review

The Gang tries to take advantage of Frank after an accident makes him think it's ten years earlier.

Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1 Review

DC's newest Green Lantern comic features an all-star creative team and a strong hook.

The X-Files: Premiere Review

David Duchovny's Mulder and Gillian Anderson's Scully are back for FOX's big new X-Files miniseries. So is there still a reason to believe?

Colony: Series Premiere Review

USA's Colony has a fine cast and characters, but the overall premise lacks originality.

Second Chance: Series Premiere Review

Frankenstein meets the Six Million Dollar Man in FOX's newest procedural drama. But is it any good?

iZombie: “Method Head” Review

A very funny meta episode found iZombie having fun with itself, as Liv ended up on the set of her favorite zombie TV show.

The Expanse: “Retrofit” Review

Miller is running out of friends and Holden is making new ones.

The Walking Dead #150 Review

The Walking Dead comic reaches an impressive milestone as a new era dawns for Rick Grimes and his friends.

Secret Wars #9 Review

At long last the final chapter of Marvel's Secret Wars epic is upon us, but was it worth the wait?

Ride Along 2 Review

Kevin Hart and Ice Cube's Ride Along 2 doesn't add anything new to the tired buddy cop comedy genre.

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