
Superman Annual #3 Review

DC's "Savage Dawn" crossover gets of to a promising start this week.

Justice League #47 Review

Artist Jason Fabok returns to Justice League as the third and final act of The Darkseid War gets underway.

The Shannara Chronicles: Series Premiere Review

The Shannara Chronicles leans into its teen fanbase with its retelling of Terry Brooks' fantasy novel.

Injustice: Year Four Annual #1 Review

DC caps off Injustice: Year Four and paves the way for Year Five with a stellar new annual issue.

The Expanse: “CQB” Review

The Martian warship Donnager engages a mysterious threat while Miller makes a surprising discovery.

Dell XPS 13 (2015 Skylake) Review

The Dell XPS 13 is an impressive thin-and-light laptop that features a gorgeous screen. Find out how it fares against the competition in our full review.

Game of Thrones: Here’s a Look at Bran Stark in Season 6

Game of Thrones' Bran Stark is looking much leaner and meaner in Season 6.

Ash vs Evil Dead: “Bound in Flesh” Review

In the penultimate Season 1 episode, Lucy Lawless' Ruby (finally) arrives on the scene and offers Ash her assistance.

Doctor Who Christmas Special Review

Alex Kingston returns in this year’s Christmas Special for her first encounter with the Twelfth Doctor.

Point Break Review

The stunts are cool in Warner Bros.' Point Break remake, but that's about it.

Extraordinary X-Men #4 Review

The X-Men join together to confront Mister Sinister and the latest threat to the mutant race.

Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat! #1 Review

Fresh off her live-action debut, Patsy Walker is starring in her own solo comic. Is it a worthy addition to Marvel's lineup?

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