
All-New X-Men #1 Review

Marvel relaunches All-New X-Men as the time-displaced heroes deal with new threats to mutantkind.

Red Wolf #1 Review

Red Wolf spins out of the pages of 1872 and into his own solo comic. Is it a worthy addition to the All-New Marvel lineup?

Arrow: “Legends of Yesterday” Review

The Flash/Arrow crossover continued as our heroes prepared for their final showdown with Vandal Savage.

Star Wars #13 Review

The latest chapter of "Vader Down" shows just how much damage two well-armed droids can do in the service of Darth Vader.

Robin War #1 Review

The first issue of DC's latest Batman crossover sees Duke Thomas and his fellow Robins become Public Enemy #1 in Gotham City.

Harley’s Little Black Book #1 Review

Harley Quinn now has a second comic to her name, but is it worth reading?

Scream Queens: “Black Friday” Review

The Red Devil has plans to stop a shopping spree dead in its tracks.

iZombie: “The Hurt Stalker” Review

This week's iZombie brought a blast from Clive's past, as Liv was put in a dangerous situation.

Totally Awesome Hulk #1 Review

There's a new Hulk in the Marvel Universe, but is he totally awesome or completely bogus?

Agents of SHIELD: “Closure” Review

Ward makes a big move, as major events occur heading towards the midseason finale.

Just Cause 3 review

"Just Cause 3 feels less than the sum of its parts. There's fun to be had, for sure, but it's couched in a structure that's filled with frustration and, worst of all, boredom."

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon review

"It was a pleasant surprise when I got my butt whooped early on in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon because I wasn’t paying enough attention."

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