"Xenoblade Chronicles X offers a resplendent world, fantastic combat, and transforming mechs, but figuring out how everything fits together isn't always easy."
"with such small margins of error and even smaller targets, it's a shame hit detection is so spotty. The killcam has shown me being shot by people I couldn’t see, and dying without being shot at all."
"Few developers would get away with the liberties that AlphaDream takes with Nintendo’s most precious characters, but with such a great track record it’s easy to see why Nintendo is happy to let the team run wild."
Ambition has never been an issue for The Crew. When it launched last December, Ubisoft's open world "carPG" attempted to provide players the opportunity to drive across the entire continental United States with a full squad of friends, competing in a wide variety of events like traditional circuit races and chaotic desert raids along the way. Unfortunately, much of the game's potential went unreal...[Read More]
If you took my favorite things and threw them in a blender it would come out looking like Skyshine’s Bedlam. Its blend of Mad Max's aesthetic, turn-based strategy combat, and roguelike trappings made me think I’d found the perfect game for me. But just like love at first sight, once I got to know Bedlam a little better, I realized that looks can be deceiving.In Skyshine’s Bedlam,...[Read More]
(There be story spoilers below. Proceed at your own risk!)Endermen were already the creepiest creatures in the world of Minecraft, but the latest episode in Telltale's narrative take on the hit game makes them close to something truly disturbing. In Minecraft Story Mode: The Last Place You Look, these enigmatic creatures take center stage, proving to be a scary antagonists in several key sequences...[Read More]
Homeland’s “All About Allison” gave us exactly that: everything we need to know about Allison, for better or worse.
Frank Miller returns with a team of collaborators to begin the Dark Knight saga's third installment.
The Good Dinosaur is good but not great as Pixar Animation retreads a lot of familiar territory.
And are they ever intense challenges. In the Nightmare you’re forced to face endlessly respawning hunters, enemies so ruthless and powerful that the base game does away with them after you kill them once. The Old Hunters has no such mercy, making it brutal even by Bloodborne standards, and that’s before you even lay eyes on the eldritch abominations that are its bosses. Even when I was...[Read More]
From Software's long-awaited expansion is a bloody new chunk of the same great experience.
Into the Badlands' second episode improved upon the first, offering a better balance of action and drama.