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In the Season 1 finale, Jessica and Kilgrave have a chat.
In the penultimate episode, the hunt for Kilgrave intensifies.
Simpson's issues come to the forefront, while Jessica goes on a morgue hunt.
Jeri's situation reaches a breaking point, while Kilgrave has an offer for a trade.
More info about Kilgrave's past is revealed, as Jessica attempts to get the proof she needs.
Jessica looks back at her childhood in an unsettling manner.
After Kilgrave's actions hit especially close to home, Jessica is prepared to make a drastic move.
Jessica Jones delves into even more adult topics, as more is revealed about Hope.
Jessica, Trish and Simpson come up with a dangerous plan to get Kilgrave.
Jessica is far from the only one dealing with the consequences of encountering Kilgrave in this excellent episode.
Luke and Jessica get to know each other better, while Trish's special radio show guest leads to some big problems.