With Theo pressured to move up his grand scheme, he unleashes psycho Barbara on an unsuspecting Jim Gordon.
Amazon Studios' Good Girls Revolt offers a compelling look at gender inequality in weekly news, circa 1969.
The situation between Phil and Tandy escalates, while Carol ponders the next generation.
Amazon's offbeat covert ops pilot, Patriot, goes for indie film quirkiness and achieves mixed results.
We're giving it a glowing endorsement.
Rise of the Tomb Raider takes everything that its predecessor did so well, and makes it even better.
The Walking Dead slowed things down this week as the Alexandrians reeled from the shock of recent, tragic events.
Saul got the spotlight in the latest Homeland, reminding us once again why Mandy Patinkin is one of the best things about the show.
Stars Regina King and Carrie Coon shined on an episode where Erika and Nora clashed over what happened to Evie.
Emma and Merlin go on a journey and encounter the first ever Dark One.
The group makes their way to Roswell for supplies and end up having an unexpected close encounter with some strange inhabitants.
Z: The Beginning of Everything explores the personality, charm, and sharp wit of the singular Zelda Sayre.