
Gotham: “Tonight’s the Night” Review

With Theo pressured to move up his grand scheme, he unleashes psycho Barbara on an unsuspecting Jim Gordon.

Amazon Pilot Review: Good Girls Revolt

Amazon Studios' Good Girls Revolt offers a compelling look at gender inequality in weekly news, circa 1969.

The Last Man on Earth: “A Real Live Wire” Review

The situation between Phil and Tandy escalates, while Carol ponders the next generation.

Amazon Pilot Review: Patriot

Amazon's offbeat covert ops pilot, Patriot, goes for indie film quirkiness and achieves mixed results.

Fallout 4 Review

We're giving it a glowing endorsement.

Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

Rise of the Tomb Raider takes everything that its predecessor did so well, and makes it even better.

The Walking Dead: “Now” Review

The Walking Dead slowed things down this week as the Alexandrians reeled from the shock of recent, tragic events.

Homeland: “Parabiosis” Review

Saul got the spotlight in the latest Homeland, reminding us once again why Mandy Patinkin is one of the best things about the show.

The Leftovers: “Lens” Review

Stars Regina King and Carrie Coon shined on an episode where Erika and Nora clashed over what happened to Evie.

Once Upon a Time: “Nimue” Review

Emma and Merlin go on a journey and encounter the first ever Dark One.

Z Nation: “Rozwell” Review

The group makes their way to Roswell for supplies and end up having an unexpected close encounter with some strange inhabitants.

Amazon Pilot Review – Z: The Beginning of Everything

Z: The Beginning of Everything explores the personality, charm, and sharp wit of the singular Zelda Sayre.

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