
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: “The Weird World of Wyrm” Review

This week's TMNT pitted the Turtles against the wacky reality-bender known as Wyrm.

Ash vs Evil Dead: “Bait” Review

Ash and Pablo take a dangerous detour to help out Kelly, who may have a serious Deadite problem.

Amazon Pilot Review: One Mississippi

Comedian Tig Notaro arrives on Amazon with a wonderful pilot, produced by Louis CK, about a woman returning home to face the lost of her mother.

Doctor Who: “The Zygon Inversion” Review

The Doctor says all you need is love, but the Zygon insurgents aren’t biting. Plus, what's in the Osgood box?

Girl Meets World: “Girl Meets the Forgiveness Project” Review

In this week's Girl Meets World, Maya confronted her long-lost father.

Agent X: Series Premiere Review

Sharon Stone stars in a new TNT drama that blends James Bond and National Treasure.

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Review

Heart of Thorns gets the broad strokes right, but fumbles some of the details.

The Sandman: Overture Deluxe Edition HC Review

DC's epic Sandman prequel is collected in a lavish hardcover edition just in time for the holiday shopping season.

Amazon Pilot Review: Highston

Shaquille O'Neal and Flea play a 19-year-old's imaginary friends in Amazon's new comedy pilot.

Amazon Pilot Review: Edge

80s action maestros Shane Black and Fred Dekker bring an over-the-top, cheesy revenge-driven Western to Amazon. So is it worth the gunpowder?

Heroes Reborn: “June 13 – Part Two” Review

Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) was the latest Heroes alum to return this week. Let us know what you thought!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Review

This massive, wonderfully diverse Call of Duty theme park is best enjoyed with a friend (or three).

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