
Scream Queens: “Beware of Young Girls” Review

Jamie Lee Curtis's Dean Munsch takes center stage in Scream Queens' new episode.

Agents of SHIELD: “Among Us Hide…” Review

SHIELD's 50th episode was a busy one, including a big reveal.

The Muppets: “Ex-Factor” Review

Glee & Pushing Daisies' Kristin Chenoweth went on a road trip with the band while Kermit asked Piggy for a huge favor.

Once Upon a Time: “The Bear and the Bow” Review

Merida and Belle team up in the past and present, as Rumplestiltskin tries to find the hero within himself.

Need for Speed Review

Ghost's great-looking reboot shifts the series in a nice direction but doesn't pack quite enough under the hood.

Blindspot: “Sent on Tour” Review

Lou Diamond Phillips made his debut in this week's Blindspot, as the team went on a scavenger hunt.

Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company Review

Alexander Freed's first novel is an entertaining adventure set in a galaxy in turmoil.

Fargo: “Fear and Trembling” Review

It's war in the latest episode of Fargo, "Fear and Trembling."

Gotham: “Mommy’s Little Monster” Review

The Penguin declares open war on Theo Galavan while Gordon begins to suspect that Gotham's new mayoral hopeful may be hiding something.

Supergirl: “Stronger Together” Review

Supergirl’s second episode is a marked improvement over the pilot, giving us more of the good and less of the bad.

Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition Review

If you haven't played Darksiders 2, the PS4 and Xbox One versions are the best way to do so.

Driveclub Bikes review

"The bike’s rear wheel squirms around under acceleration, excitingly ‘stepping out over the line’, Bruce Springsteen-style, only to be wrangled back before you come completely unstuck."

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