The latest addition to DC's Vertigo relaunch introduces a world where paintings come alive.
Dean and Sam hunt a new monster in a unique, fantastic episode told from the perspective of the Impala.
Sarah Michelle Gellar made her debut as a new Inquisitor, as Ezra once more found himself in over his head.
What happens when you take Left 4 Dead and swap the zombies out for rat men? Some good blood, guts, and loot.
The series delivers a long-awaited wedding, but will the sudden return of Dick Grayson spoil Batgirl's fun?
This powerful, star-studded drama shines a Spotlight on the power of journalism and the horrors of humanity.
The epic Darkseid War storyline gets its first spinoff as Batman uses his newfound power to reshape Gotham City.
Reese Witherspoon guests as Piggy's ultimate nemesis while Fozzie offends his girlfriend with some new jokes.
iZombie put Liv on stage this week, with surprisingly touching results.
A new hero was born this week as Team Flash went on the hunt for a new Firestorm.
Bradley Cooper's Eddie Morra returned to send Brian a message in this week's Limitless.
SHIELD delivered a very different type of story this week, and one of their best episodes in the process.