
Room Review

A mother-and-son abduction story becomes a harrowing, modern metaphor for Alice in Wonderland.

Once Upon a Time: “Siege Perilous” Review

This week's Once sent David on a quest and revealed a new threat in Camelot and in Storybrooke.

Bedlam review

"Guns spit out bullets with little heft and explosions feel like gentle farts in the wind rather than loud, powerful releases of energy."

The Walking Dead: Season 6 Premiere Review

In The Walking Dead’s Season 6 premiere, Morgan meets the “new” Rick Grimes as the Alexandrians are given a big, dangerous task.

Homeland Review

Carrie’s past came back to haunt her in this week’s Homeland as she found herself in -- you guessed it -- serious danger!

The Leftovers: “A Matter of Geography” Review

The Garveys make the big move to Miracle this week, as Kevin - on the cusp of happiness - begins to deal with a troublesome guest.

Blunt Talk: “Who Kisses So Early in the Morning?” Review

The latest Blunt Talk isn’t the masterpiece of last week, but it’s still a hilarious piece of television.

Doctor Who: “Before the Flood” Review

Who composed Beethoven’s 5th anyway? The Doctor and Clara ponder ghosts and paradoxes in the latest episode of Doctor Who.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Series Premiere Review

The strengths of The CW's new musical comedy lie in its darkness.

Z Nation: “Zombaby!” Review

There is a zombie baby hybrid. What else is there to say?

Girl Meets World: “Girl Meets Rah Rah” Review

Riley tried out for the school's cheerleader squad in this week's Girl Meets World.

Strike Back: Series Finale Review

Strike Back wrapped up its run with an excellent, stripped down, last stand episode focused on our two heroes trying to survive.

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