Roar Uthaug, the director of the Tomb Raider movie reboot, offers an affecting glimpse at the inevitable destruction of a Norwegian town.
Terrific documentary about Tim McVey – the first man to score a billion points on a video game – whose record comes under threat.
The Gang hops on board a Christian cruise ship determined to take a vacation from their sinful ways.
Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka go on an eventful journey together.
James Purefoy and Michael K. Williams star in Sundance's new '80s pulp series about two friends and the trouble they get into. So what's the verdict?
The X-Files, with original stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, returned to FOX for six brand new episodes. So how was the revival?
The trial of the century gets underway in "The Race Card."
The quest to save the Ellcrys has unexpected consequences.
As Season 2 wraps up, Whitney's more powerful than ever, leading to some strange alliances to stop her.
Musical guests Willie Nelson and Jack White help The Muppets close out their season with a double-episode focused on Kermit and Piggy's love.
This week's 11.22.63 got back to the matter at hand, as Lee Harvey Oswald arrived in Dallas.
A trip to Brakebills South means big changes for everyone involved.