Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces Review

Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces Review

An expansion with pluck and dash.

By Rob Zacny

Bulldog tenacity is what the British armed forces have probably been best-known for throughout their history. As fighters from a small island nation where the army historically took a back seat to the Royal Navy, British soldiers have always been asked to make up in determination and training what they lack in numbers and equipment. All those themes come through loud and clear in Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces, a standalone expansion for 2013’s Company of Heroes 2.

The Thin Red Line

The British Forces are billed as “two factions for the price of one” due to choices between mobilities and defense, and while I’m not sure I’d go that far, they do offer a few great options when it comes to play style and overall strategy that stem from their tenacity, daring, and troubling lack of firepower.

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