He’s kind of a big deal.
By Jeff Lake
Deadpool has proven to be nothing if not an elastic character, and it’s that flexibility that makes his latest debut such a surprisingly balanced read. That’s not to say it’s normal – this is still a Deadpool title after all – but in comparison to past adventures Deadpool #1 is actually pretty darn straightforward. Again given life by Gerry Duggan and Mike Hawthorne, Deadpool’s latest is a madcap romp (featuring Madcap, no less) that’s as clever as it is chuckle worthy.
Deadpool is everywhere these days, and he knows it. The issue wasted no time in exploring the character’s ever budding popularity, positioning him as a movie star even as his real life cinematic turn looms just around the bend. Not content to offer us one Deadpool, writer Duggan instead gives us seven. Or at least, seven would be Deadpool’s, as the main merc has hired out to a number of questionable n’er do wells in forming his own Heroes For Hire freelance agency (patent stolen). Looking to make some extra moolah on the side even as he (mostly) leans more towards the good guy side of the tracks, this first issue focuses on past ties even as it broaches an uncertain future. Some of said ties will fly right over even the most ardent of Marvel fans (Wikipedia is your friend, kids) but Duggan nonetheless does a great job driving right to the heart of each character and their bumbling personalities.

He does so through the use of some excellent dialogue, his script sharp but never overly in your face. Much like Deadpool has become more streamlined and focused in his irreverence, so too is Duggan’s script, his humor more situation based than random. There are certainly some exceptions – Stingray in particular makes a great comedic entrance – but much of the humor is almost understated. At times it’s almost too much so, as every now and again it’s tough to differentiate between sarcastic snark and genuine declarations. The ending reads as particularly muddy, as while it opens up further directions going forward, the motivations are quite ambiguous.
Where the script befuddles the art bedazzles, Mike Hawthorne turning in some wildly entertaining pages. The opening caper is immediately inviting, the artist utilizing a number of large panels to fully set the scope and eventually the humor. The aforementioned scenes between Deadpool and his Merry Mercs are also a highlight, as we see just how much the various ‘Pools grate on those around them. Even his physicality impresses, especially so given that many of the characters dress the same and spend a bulk of their time masked. From hand to hand combat to shifty-eyed police interrogations, each page has something to pore over.
There’s still work to be done here, but for a debut Duggan and Hawthorne get off to a fine start. Duggan’s script is funny and exciting, and the book’s overall direction is strong save for a few wonky interjections. Hawthorne similarly impresses, his great character play and inviting layouts as engaging as they are entertaining. Here’s hoping there’s even more structured shenanigans yet to come.
Deadpool’s latest offers a fresh look at our mouth merc. Duggan and Hawthorne show a clear direction for the character going forward, tempering his oddity in a way that’s accessible to readers new and old. There are some inconsistencies, but overall this a great start for what will hopefully be an equally great series.