Destiny celebrates Valentine’s Day with new content

Destiny celebrates Valentine’s Day with new content

A set of new features are coming to Destiny as announced in Bungie’s weekly update, and one of the primary things to look forward to is the week-long Valentine’s-themed event coming in February, noted as “a ritual known by the brave as Crimson Days.”

Along with Crimson Days also comes a new 2vs2 Crucible mode known as Crimson Doubles, which according to the studio “features a special twist, born of new gameplay and mechanics that only battle-tested star-crossed lovers will appreciate”

Plus, before all of this, Destiny’s high-level Iron Banner playlist will return for a week, starting from the 26th of January to the 2nd of February. The Iron Banner game this time around will be Rift.

The blog post rounds up by acknowledging that players had expected more Destiny news past the Crimson Days event, however “very soon, we’ll have more to share about a second, larger game update that will arrive sometime after February”.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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