Destiny Dropping Some Last-Gen Content Support in August

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While Bungie’s Destiny will still be chugging along for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, support for the game on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will be dwindling down, beginning with the Rise if Iron expansion.

Bungie has gone on the record explaining why the expansion won’t be made available for the PS3 or Xbox 360. In a later blog post, Bungie described what Destiny players on last-gem consoles can expect going forward.

“The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles will be considered Legacy Consoles and will no longer receive major updates and content releases,” Bungie said. That will include any content released after August 2016. All previous expansions will still be available on Legacy Consoles, but some events will not be available. Those events include the Trials of Osiris competitive event, the Iron Banner, and “live events”, including holiday-themed events.

Destiny: Rise of Iron will be released on September 20th.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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