Doctor Who Season Premiere Review

Doctor Who Season Premiere Review

The Season 9 debut delivers an exciting jolt to the system for both the Doctor and the viewer.

By Scott Collura

Full spoilers follow.

That’s right, readers: Your IGN Doctor Who reviewer has regenerated… into me! So jump into your TARDIS, ready your sonic screwdriver, and prepare for timey-wimey thoughts, discussion and analysis of Season 9 over the next few months…

The new season of Doctor Who — Peter Capaldi’s second as the iconic Time Lord — starts off with a bang, as we find ourselves in a ghastly war zone where anachronistic biplanes with lasers take out the enemy troops who seemingly only have bows-and-arrows to defend themselves. Amid this horror, a child is caught in a mine field. Well, a hand-mine field: This is quite literally a series of muddy hands propped out of the ground (with eyes in their palms, of course). We soon learn what happens if a hand-mine can get a hold of your leg, and it’s not pretty. A poor, defenseless child, fleeing the battle in panic, finds himself trapped in the field with no hope of escape. But a man appears who might be able to help… the Doctor! But then, and here’s the kicker, the boy tells the Doctor his name: Davros!

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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