E3 Live Will Let General Public Experience E3

E3 Live Will Let General Public Experience E3

E3 organizers will be allowing the general public to experience the event for the first time, creating a spin-off event called E3 Live.

E3 Live will take place at the L.A. Live entertainment complex, which is across the street from the L.A. Convention Center, where the main event is held. It will run alongside E3 from June 14 to June 16 and be free for anyone who attends. The tickets are available via Eventbrite on a first come, first serve basis, and cannot be transferred.

There are game demos, exclusive merchandise, and live entertainment featured at E3 Live, including the Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions video game concert. In addition, there will be meet-and-greets with industry personalities, although none have been mentioned as of yet. There is no official list of games that E3 participants will be able to try out, although a press release hints that Ubisoft, Oculus, and Warner Bros. will be there, as they are listed as E3 Live partners.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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