Getting the band back together.
By Jeff Lake
On paper, Extraordinary X-Men #1 looks to be a slam dunk. A new title comprised of mutants from across the various X-Teams, headlined by the creative team of Jeff Lemire, Humberto Ramos and Edgar Delgado? It seems a match made in mutant heaven, but when the Terrigen mist of this first issue settles, we’re still left with the same old X-Men.
The book begins as all X-Men books begin, with Lemire pinballing around the members of his new roster. There’s a certain excitement to these role calls, as we get to see which franchise mainstays and fan favorites make the cut, but it’s also been done so many times before that there’s nothing all that new, let alone extraordinary, about it. That same sort of been there, done that feel extends to the story itself, as we see the mutants grappling with extinction following the widespread release of the Inhuman-making Terrigen Mist. Extinction is nothing to scoff at, but it’s also not exactly a rare occurrence in X-Men history. Similarly, the various roles don’t change much. Storm somewhat haltingly fills the vacant seat of team leader. Jean stays on the outskirts, knowing full well she’ll likely be dragged in later. At least Colossus gets a beard this time around. Familiarity and continuity are well and good, but there’s hardly anything here that speaks to the direction Lemire is looking to go.

Luckily for him, and us, he’s not here alone. Humberto Ramos lends a welcome energy to the proceedings, his panels as fluid as they are eye catching. Primarily known more for his elongated, uniquely exaggerated style, Ramos shows a surprising versatility here. His character models are still unique, but as much for their subtle moments as their flashy ones. His pencils, as cleanly inked by Victor Olazaba, are as emotive as we’ve ever seen them, no small feat seeing as how two of his leads are made of metal and ice. The book’s smaller instances really aid in selling the tone Lemire is out to present, ensuring that while the read is familiar, it’s no less visually engaging.
It also doesn’t hurt to have Edgar Delgado on board. He helps deliver some awesome moments, balancing bright pops of color against more grounded hues. Most of the attention will go to things like Magik’s gleaming sword or Nightcrawler’s many BAMF’s, but even something as simple as the cool blues of the Canadian wilderness leaps off the page. An art team like this can go a long way in carrying a title still finding its footing, and in Ramos, Olazaba and Delgado this book sure has a good one.
Extraordinary X-Men #1 doesn’t exactly offer the next evolutionary jump in mutant storytelling, but it’s not a total wash either. Jeff Lemire’s team building is solid despite its familiar feel, and he exhibits a strong sense of who each character is, if not exactly where they’re going. The real enjoyment to the issue comes from the book’s art team, and while great art can only carry a book so far, we’re inclined to let this title have some breathing room.
Extraordinary X-Men #1 is a perfectly passable first issue, but given the talent within its pages we’re ultimately left wanting. Jeff Lemire gives us some solid character play and a nifty new roster, but there’s little in the way of initial investment. That leaves Humberto Ramos to carry the load, which he mostly does with his excellent art. Hopefully with the team now in play we can expect something a bit more extraordinary going forward.