Gotham: “Strike Force” Review

Gotham: “Strike Force” Review

Upstanding mayor stuff.

By Matt Fowler

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow…

Sure, I’m still mourning the loss of Jerome and the crazed energy Cameron Monaghan brought to that role (and to the first few episodes of this season), but things are still clicking a lot better on Gotham this year than last. In the very least, we still have Robin Lord Taylor’s Penguin to behold – another character who’s being used very well this season compared to (some of) this show’s freshman run.

Penguin’s at his best when he’s an integral part of the story and not just needlessly thrown in for color. I lauded the show a few weeks back for actually leaving him off an episode. Despite his charisma, Penguin feels wasted when given only a cursory amount of screen time. And the show feels desperate when it includes him for no reason.

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